
Issue 11 The Open Close Magazine

Issue 11 The Open Close Magazine

The Open Close magazines newest issue is 'Tomorrow/Yesterday' and they describe this theme as "Tomorrow/Yesterday, which signifies time and the innumerable layers of change and growth it incites.

In reality, we never know what tomorrow has in store for us, only mere assumptions driven by how 'yesterday' was. In a way, our yesterday makes our today, and our today makes our tomorrow. The general idea of uncertainty still, however, remains. What we know for sure, is that growth,...

Wild Things Ezine

Wild Things Ezine


In June work produced by Leer Design was included in an online zine, Wild Things. This was accompanied by an interview about my creative process and the inspiration for the work. The theme for the publication was Bloom and a series of my work was included.

The full interview is available to read here 

WILD THINGS ZINE is an independent platform that focuses on art, creativity, beauty, self-love, and self-development. WTZ is...

Art Life Brum

Art Life Brum

In May an artist collective based in Birmingham had an open call for artists whose work was affected by Covid 19.

Using Instagram to curate work over three days. The work I submitted was a short that I put together during these restrictions. It was in response to the isolation of lockdown and social distancing. While it may seem very empty, the time and space can be filled with creativity and joy.

Leer Design Studio

Leer Design Studio

Creativity and good, clear design is the basic principle at Leer Design.

Communicating a brands message and presenting it in an attractive and unique way. We create designs with simplicity in mind, considering composition and typography. Fully qualified in design communication and digital media.

In 24 Hours Exhibition

In 24 Hours Exhibition

In April a selection of work was exhibited in a show curated by Ayshia Taskin and and [SHIFT:ibpcpa]. This was a virtual exhibition due to the restriction in place with Covid 19. This was screened in the The Wall Space Gallery in Scotland. 

"The exhibition, 'In 24-Hours' aims to build a resilient, creative community during such harrowing times. And to keep hope and motivation afloat through the showing of exciting pieces of work from a global group of...